Confessions of a Curious Mind

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Match Point( Past 2)

Author's recommendation - It is suggested that for your understanding of this article & for increasing the dwindling viewership of my posts that you read Match Point ( Part 1) before you read this :-

After my initial tryst with tennis which made me aware of the existence of 206 bones in my body and their valuable contribution to the pain, cramps, sprains( etc etc), I decided to persist. Therein started a love affair which I'm afraid will last for a life time - And some ppl( very few) call me commitment phobic - Ha!!!!!!!

The court has magic - The lights that shine brightly has magic - The top spin of the slazenger ball( throwing names, u see) has magic - Hope the player in me would also acquires magic some day - There is nothing sweeter than the ball hitting the right spot on your racket - Speaking of rackets, I have managed to upgrade myself to a Wilson N code - was fooled into believeing that if you use the same racket which Federer does then your game improves dramatically

But on a more serious note, there is a time when time stops - For any self respecting player, the serve is something on which everyone works hard - Thats the only time when your opponent cant do anything but wait for you to either destroy him / her or give a chance to destroy you. When you are about to serve, the concentration is at its peak - Your body is taut with tension, your mind is focussed and you toss the ball - The time has stopped - You sit outside a court and watch it - Its exquisite - Its beautiful - And then the racket comes down in a circular motion and then there's contact - If the contact is gud, you feel the sensation in your body - Its smooth like a Laphroaig / Absolut - if it aint good, its like Bagpipers or Smirnoff (IMFL ones)

Have progressed decently in the past 1 yr in tennis - My coach gave me a compliment - Mind you I really dont think it sounds like a compliment but he insisted it is - So you decide - He said if i play for 18 more years, then I can win the tournament for 45 + ppl - He thinks its tougher to win that and I have started late - See told ya, it doesnt sound like a compliment

Signing off now - Will try and update my blog more often - Its cathartic



At April 27, 2007 at 9:49 PM , Blogger Surya said...

firstly: YOU told me tht u r commitment phobic.

secondly: You sound like Willem Defoe's art movie in Mr Bean's Holiday.

At August 3, 2007 at 4:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cathartic for you but interesting reading for us, keep updating it


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