Confessions of a Curious Mind

Friday, April 27, 2007

Technology -

Technology - This word didnt have too much significance in my life until Oct '05. Post that month, things have never been the same. I was blissfully unaware of the word "tech" or rather the wide spread ramifications of it in my personal life. My previous job was in confectionaries - sweet and sour were the only key words - The technologies i was exposed to would have been the normal entertainment devices including the ipod - So life was blissful in a certain way -

Alas, change is the only constant, mine included. My first day at the company started with reading manuals - When single innocent looking aphabets combine together, they start representing something grand & often complicated - Sample UMTS - I grappled with hundreds of such words and wondered - have I done the right thing - Here i am poet working in a tech company trying to make meaning out of strange looking alphabets and diagrams - But then hope never dies - So i stuck on

Fast forward - 20 months - Better conversant with technology - can spell the full form of UMTS without batting an eyelid - But then these 20 months had me wondering - When do we reach a stage where in we say " No thank you sir, no more technology intruding in my life" - Do we as individuals even have that choice or does it just invade us - I myself am guilty of the same crime - I have my mails on my cellphone and am in touch with my office 24*7 - Sometimes it is out of requirement ( is it??) and the rest out of pure habit

The number of hours in out lives have remained the same through centuries but the number of activities have increased dramatically - More in less time - Multi tasking ( oh i love this word) - Timeline management - etc etc etc - Panic sets in when mobile phone runs of out battery - Oh shit, how many calls did i miss - Ha, didnt even have a cellphone till 4 years back

So I ask myself a question - How do I as an individual stop myself to be completely dominated by the advancing technolisation ( invented the word) - Scared with the answer 'cause I dont have one - Mebbe I dont want to - Mebbe I cant - Mebbe I am not so human anymore

Think have rambled enough for one day - Back to work



At April 27, 2007 at 4:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm....the question that is to be answered is that do we need the technology or is it being forced fed to keep the consumerism machine going???

Good thought.....often I have wondered with the numerous amount of technology how much is that we actually need?

At April 27, 2007 at 9:47 PM , Blogger Surya said...


wherez ur sarcasm?? stop being a prof!


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