Reclaim your life
What makes me lazy - what makes me complacent? Wondering why I asking these questions to myself - Since school I have been very active at sports - used to play it for hours - Still rememer those days when in the burning sun in summers, we used to play soccer for some 5 to 6 hours at a stretch - You never knew what lazy meant then - Then came a phase in life in graduation in college where all sports came to a complete standstill except table tennis - That room without air conditioning, one small window which made no difference to anyone's life except the stupid guy who designed it - Still we used to play there for 2 to 3 hours at a stretch - It used to be amazing the way we completely disregarded the lack of air-conditioning & just played to win - Come MBA wherein most people were buried in their books we with full abandon used to play soccer, basketball, volleyball & badminton - There have been times when i have found myself playing soccer at 3 am in the morning with the lights flooding the field. The impact on it did reflect on my grades but the pure joy of sports is something which even a CGPA of 10 can give you ( but then a lot of people wouldnt agree with me) - Those years of sports brought in me a spirit to never give up & fight till the last moment. It kept me active, my brain working & helped me maintain a perspective in life which for a lack of better word was holistic.
Once i started my career in Bombay, sports took a complete backseat - It was work followed by alcohol, partying, drinking, dancing etc - not an iota of sports in life to ensure any level of fitness- This combined with a lot of travelling, eating junk food, having food in irregular times etc etc- This kind of lifestyle continued in my second job as well & for around two and half years I had turned from a super fit person to a paunch developing young executive who didnt look fat but felt unfit - Someone once said that when young, one thinks that one is invincible - I didnt think of it explicitly but fell into the trap of accepting them subconsciously - My third job was lucky in the sense that I was relocated to a small town where one had no friends, neither any mode of normal recreation- heck there wasnt even a single pub & you couldnt find wine anyehere in the city - I took up tennis with a vengeance ( read my first 2 blogs in the archives) - Initially i was learning alone & it took me some month to even learn how to start serving - I played with kids who used to beat me 6-0 all the times & it used to quite embarrasing - After once year of learning the ropes, the coach transferred me to a different time slot where all the other kids were training - The words kids is a misnomer here as most of there were champions in some or the other championships - That one year was one of the best year in my life - I used to run & play & train like I was eighteen & used to come back home dead tired like a log - That brought back in me the fighting spirit & the never say die attitude which used to be a strength -The same organization transferred me to a big city after two years there & I have slipped back into the same trap - No regular interaction with sports - I have to get over this slumber of mine & go back to something
Over the years i have realized something - When you are not in sports or for that matter any activity outside work which you love, one tends to lose one's way of life - To elaborate further - Sports brings in me a never say die attitude, the lack of not playing it kind of changes the kind of person I am at work & life in general - From nevr say to a cynical, chalta hai kind of person - Thats the kind of person I dont want to become as then it would be impossible to face the mirror -
I think its time to reclaim one's life & go back to sports which I love from the bottom of my heart - does this sound cheesy????????????
Love the Tata Safari new ad which says what would you remember when you look back in you life? I want to remember moments in life which I cherish & treasure & not the number of hours I have stayed in office
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