Confessions of a Curious Mind

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I realized today that I am not happy at work - The signs have been evident since past couple of months to everyone except me :) - I have become irritable, insecure & have inculcated in myself a certain degree of brashness which I am not very proud of - Have been thinking of tackling this problem head on but everytime have postponed it. I've actually managed to elevated this postponement into an art form. Thought I could take a long holiday & the problem would go away- Or I could take up swimming or any new activity & my problems would solve
When i think of it hard, I think its just escapism. Need to tackle this issue head on - The answer to that starts with the question - What is it that I want as a career? Is the current organization providing it? If not, should I move on? How much of importance is career to my overall life ? Considering I am so ambitious, the answer to think instinctively is yes I guess.So then why am I unhappy? Should jot down in a piece of paper


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