Confessions of a Curious Mind

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ipad & writing

So now that I have my ipad, would I be inspired to start writing once more ? I have found no logical reason about the linkage between writing and buying an ipad. But it's an irrational thought which I sold myself to believing that once I have it, there would be this sidden flash of inspiration which would suddenly come and lo, I would churn out an unputdownable story which in addition to being a great read would also earn me a big fat contract

If only life was so simple, its about about getting a fancy equipment to write but its about actually taking the effort towrite everyday, practice everyday and make yourself better through rigor. I think I kind of knew it but I was trying to convince myself a reason to actually buy one. Now that I have it, I am wondering how to make the best use of it, other than surfing the internet. So I have decided to write everyday on this sexy looking device, maybe the ipad would help me bring that discipline in life which i am sorely lacking

Its good that I actually got a keypad which is really awesome to type on. So the resolution is that I would try not to use my ipad as a secondary device to check official mails at home but more as something which I use to write, read about stuff other than mobile phones etc


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