Confessions of a Curious Mind

Friday, December 3, 2010

The second day

Today has been a better day. I am coming back to life slowly but hopefully it would not be a long walk. I mailed today the bar academy & if I hear back from them I would plan for a 4 week break in April or May. I have always thought of doing something like but never had the courage to just take off & do it

If the plan goes through then I would be in Phuket or Kos island in Greece learning how to mix cocktails. It would have classes from 9 am to 3 pm & then have the rest of the day for myself. Its like going back to school but of a different kind. My friends have called me mad but rather be mad than a boring man who could not take the leap of faith & died with regret

A little introspective today than earlier, so life is a little better. One of my friends pinged me after reading my lasy blog & concerned. I am lucky to have such friends who care. Guess Finland has all the infrastructure working but I can never get friends like these here.

I am learning more things about people now. I think I should not trust people blindly & believe every word they say. Not every person is honest in life & not everything people say can be believed. But then I trust everyone - So should I change my basic behaviour because of bad experiences ? May be not

Time to sign off & go to sleep - It shall be a better day tomorrow :)


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