Confessions of a Curious Mind

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The bucket list

What would I like to remember when I grow old. That I have taken chances, tried new things in life, loved ( lost & won), cared for people who matter, broken rules, had fun etc. I would like to have a life which i look back with fondness & no regrets. I have always been inspired by the movie "The Bucket List" & everytime I have seen the movie I have made the list. It's when I start writing the blog that I realize that I have not done most of that stuff in the list. I don't want to follow the example of Jack Nicolson or Morgan Freeman & do the stuff when I am seventy years old but rather do it now.
I would love to travel, dance, join a cooking & a bartender class, try out new stuff. I think it is time I go back to making my bucket list & start actually doing stuff than just writing about it in papers & forgetting them
We all have only one life & its too short to be spent over regretting or living in the past


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