Confessions of a Curious Mind

Friday, June 19, 2009

Holiday in Riga

Having taken a holiday after 6 months, I should have written this blog sooner but things at work havent been going well. So procastination took precedence over & I didnt log on to write about Riga.
Riga is around 45 minutes from Helsinki. Its the capital of Latvia & is supposed to be the homeground to the hottest girls in Europe. Naturally, I was looking forward to the trip :) - We landed in Riga & were looking for brochures at the airport explaining about the city. We found lots of them but none in English which told me language is going to be a major issue. We took the Airport bus to the city but had a major issue trying to find out where to get off. The driver was Mr Grumpy with no English understanding, the passengers were helpful but they didnt understand our language. So we were looking out for all possible signs which could help us know that we need to get down. Finally an old lady came to our rescue & we got off
We were staying at the Barons hostel which was ahem a 20 minute walk from the bus stop - Dont get me wrong, I love walks but minus carrying any luggage, After huffing & puffing for 20 minutes we reached our hostel. I should have been delighted except for the fact that it was on the 5'th floor & yes you guessed it right - without any lifts :)
Will cover the details of Day one in Riga later today or early tommorow
Till then Ciao